South East Queensland Water Videos

South East Queensland Water Videos

Our water can come from a range of sources.

No single water supply option can meet South East Queensland’s long-term water security needs. As a community, we need to consider our demand for water, the water supply options available to us and the way we operate the SEQ Water Grid.

More information here.

Seqwater explains: water source options

Surface water
Surface water is water from creeks and rivers, stored in dams and weirs. In South East Queensland, surface water is the most common source of drinking water.

Ground water
Groundwater is water found underground and can be extracted using bores.

Seawater is in plentiful supply and is a climate-resilient option for drinking water supplies but requires desalination.

Purified recycled water for drinking
Purified recycled water for drinking involves purifying the water we have already used, that would otherwise be returned to our rivers and oceans. It is a climate-resilient water source.

Decentralised schemes
Decentralised schemes collect water from local sources and treat it to be fit-for-purpose, such as watering sports fields. These schemes take pressure off the bulk drinking water supply.

Demand management
Demand management takes pressure off the bulk drinking water supply and can potentially defer the need for a new water source.