STELR from the ‘Kangaroo Country’

STELR from the ‘Kangaroo Country’

M. Jamaluddin Jamal has written a small book about the STELR program after attending the STELR 5-day training workshop held last November in Bandung, Indonesia on behalf of the South East Asia Ministers of Education Organisation (SEAMEO).

The purpose of the book was to share what he learnt with his fellow teachers at SMPN 9 School in Bontang, Indonesia. The book’s title literally  translates to ‘Best Practice – STELR Inspiration Science from Country Kangaroo’.

He was sponsored to attend the workshop by an Orica subsidiary company, PT Kaltim Nitrate. Last year, Orica also sponsored a class set of STELR Renewable Energy equipment for his school and three others in Bontang, bringing the total number of schools supported by Orica in Bontang to nine.

M. Jamaluddin Jamal (left) is pictured here with Mr Rahmat Haryono who works with PT Kaltim Nitrate’s community liaison and corporate social responsibility.