Wind Energy Curriculum Links

Science Understanding

Year 8
Physical Sciences:

Classify different types of energy as kinetic or potential and investigate energy transfer and transformations in simple systems (AC9S8U05)

Year 9

Physical Sciences

Apply the law of conservation of energy to analyse system efficiency in terms of energy inputs, outputs, transfers and transformations (AC9S9U05) 

Revision concepts:

Year 6
Physical Sciences:
Investigate the transfer and transformation of energy in electrical circuits, including the role of circuit components, insulators and conductors (AC9S6U03) 

Science as a Human Endeavour

Explain how new evidence or different perspectives can lead to changes in scientific knowledge (AC9S7H01, AC9S8H01)

Examine how proposed scientific responses to contemporary issues may impact on society and explore ethical, environmental, social and economic considerations (AC9S7H03, AC9S8H03)

Science Inquiry Skills

Develop investigable questions, reasoned predictions and hypotheses to explore scientific models, identify patterns and test relationships (AC9S7I01,AC9S8I01)

Plan and conduct reproducible investigations to answer questions and test hypotheses, including identifying variables and assumptions and, as appropriate, recognising and managing risks, considering ethical issues and recognising key considerations regarding heritage sites and artefacts on Country/Place (AC9S7I02, (AC9S8I02)

Select and use equipment to generate and record data with precision, using digital tools as appropriate (AC9S7I03, AC9S8I03)

Select and construct appropriate representations, including tables, graphs, models and mathematical relationships, to organise and process data and information (AC9S7I04, AC9S8I04)

Analyse data and information to describe patterns, trends and relationships and identify anomalies (AC9S7I05, AC9S8I05)

Analyse methods, conclusions and claims for assumptions, possible sources of error, conflicting evidence and unanswered questions (AC9S7I06, AC9S8I06)

Construct evidence-based arguments to support conclusions or evaluate claims and consider any ethical issues and cultural protocols associated with using or citing secondary data or information (AC9S7I07, AC9S8I07)

Write and create texts to communicate ideas, findings and arguments for specific purposes and audiences, including selection of appropriate language and text features, using digital tools as appropriate (AC9S7I08, AC9S8I08)