Electricity and Energy Curriculum Links

Science Understanding

Year 6
Physical Sciences:
Investigate the transfer and transformation of energy in electrical circuit components, insulators and conductors (AC9S6U03)

Science as a Human Endeavour

Year 6

Examine why advances in science are often the result of collaboration or build on the work of others (AC9S6H01)

Investigate how scientific knowledge is used by individuals and communities to identify problems, consider responses and make decisions (AC9S6H02)

Science Inquiry Skills

Pose investigable questions to identify patterns and test relationships and make reasoned predictions (AC9S6I01)

Plan and conduct repeatable investigations to answer questions including, as appropriate, deciding the variables to be changed, measured and controlled in fair tests; describing potential risks; planning for the safe use of equipment and materials; and identifying required permissions to conduct investigations on Country/Place(AC9S6I02)

Construct and use appropriate representations, including tables, graphs and visual or physical models, to organise and process data and information and describe patterns, trends and relationships (AC9S6I04)

Compare methods and findings with those of others, including recognising possible sources of error, posing questions for further investigation and drawing reasonable conclusions (AC9S6I05)

Write and create texts to communicate ideas and findings for specific purposes and audiences, including selection of language features, using digital tools as appropriate (AC9S6I06)